ANASAYFA Sivil Toplum Latrine Units Rehabilitation-Construction, Water And Sewage Works

Latrine Units Rehabilitation-Construction, Water And Sewage Works

AB Proje Editör
Latrine Units Rehabilitation-Construction, Water And Sewage Works

Ihsan for Relief and Development is based in Gaziantep, Turkey, the organization is providing support and aid to civilians inside Syria.

Ihsan for Relief and Development is now implementing a project in WASH.

To achieve the objectives of the project, IhsanRD is announcing a call for a tender the Provide the materials and all that is needed for Latrine Units Rehabilitation-Construction, Water And Sewage Works.

Suppliers should submit their offers in closed and sealed envelopes to us before the expiration date at 16:00 on 19/04/2024. The offer must be in three envelopes “technical, financial, and administrative” Also, the documents in envelopes must be stamped and signed.

The offers must be delivered to the Ihsan office / Gaziantep.


Suppliers interested in this tender are kindly requested to click the link below to get the tender files:



for any inquiry, please contact us by the below email:

[email protected]




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Invitation to Bid: Student Kits

Invitation to Bid: Student Kits